I do not have an account with Boldwink. How do I return the order I have placed?
You can return your order within 7 days of its delivery. Please follow these steps to cancel order:
- If you are a Guest User, fill in your order details in Track Order page.
- Click on the ‘Return/Exchange’ link, indicate the reason for return, choose a mode of refund and confirm request.
- If you choose to refund the amount to your Boldwink wallet, we ask you to create an account with Boldwink. Enter your password and the account is created immediately. You can log in using the email address used to place the order and access wallet amount in Wallet page. Please find the steps to use Clovia wallet here
- If you choose to refund the amount back to original mode of payment, the process will be initiated once the items are picked by our courier partner and this will take 3-7 business days. This option is applicable for all pre-paid orders paid using Debit/ Credit cards, Netbanking and Online Wallets. Please note this is not applicable on Boldwink wallet.
- You can choose to refund the amount to your Boldwink Wallet. The amount will be credited in your Boldwink wallet once the items are picked up by our courier partner.
- Once the return request is placed and the items are picked by our courier partner, we will make sure that this is processed on priority.
- For reasons including hygiene, we do not accept return or exchange of briefs, panties, or shapewear panties, or an opened box of a multi-piece sets that includes panties.
I’m unable to see the return/exchange link on the product when I’m trying to place a return/exchange request online.
You can return your order within 7 days of its delivery. Please follow these steps to return order:
- For reasons including hygiene, we do not accept return or exchange of briefs, panties, or shapewear panties, or an opened box of a multi piece sets that includes panties.
- Our return and exchange policy allows for you to return/exchange your order within 15 days of the order’s delivery. Option to place return/exchange request will be disabled in your account after 7 days of the order’s delivery.
I am unable to place return request.
There are 3 reason due to which return option is not available on website/app:
- If your order is not marked delivered.The return request can be taken only after the order status is marked as ‘Delivered’ by our courier partner. In a few cases, it may take up to 24 hours to mark the order as delivered. In case, it is more than 24 hours since delivery and the return option is still unavailable, please contact us at impexperfection@gmail.com.
- You can return your order within 7 days of its delivery. The return option is withdrawn once 7 days period has passed since delivery.
- For reasons including hygiene, we do not accept return or exchange of briefs, panties, or shapewear panties, or opened packs of multi-pieces sets that include panties.
How do I track my return?
We will send a confirmation email and SMS once your return order has been picked up and when it is received at our warehouse. In case of exchange request you are intimated again via SMS and email when new items are dispatched to you. In case of refund an email is sent when the refund is processed from our end. It may take up to 48 hours for it to reflect in your account.
How to Return the products?
- Simply place unworn, unwashed merchandise with all tags attached in the original packing.
- Use a bubble sheet wrap to secure and protect the box and products inside. Enclose your invoice inside.
- Also, enclose any Clovia Collectible gift items or any other free gift items (such as brastraps/camisoles/ cosmetics/Panties/ additional bras etc) you received with your order under various promotions.
- If you choose to not return the returnable gift items as well, then a nominal charge against these items too will be deducted from your refunded amount. The deductible amount per gift item will be mentioned on your invoice.
- Please note that returns cannot be processed if any of the items including returned gift itemsare found to be in used or damaged conditions or with tags missing. or if any of the accompanying gift items are missing.
How does GST vary for orders?
Tax may vary depending on factors like the city where the order would be shipped to and price of products.
If I return the order will the GST amount charged be refunded?
If any order is returned, the GST amount will be refunded. However, Shipping charges will be non-refundable.
If I cancel the order will the GST amount charged be refunded?
If any order is cancelled before it is shipped, the GST amount and shipping charges will be refunded.
What are the items/services that cannot be returned or exchanged?
- For reasons including hygiene, we do not accept return of briefs, panties, or shape wear panties, or an opened box of a multi-piece set that includes panties.
- Cash cannot be claimed against gift cards and gift wraps.
- No item that has been sold as part of a multipack can be returned as an individual item.
- Certain sale events or offers will not covered under our standard return/exchange policies. Their terms will be defined and mentioned separately.
- Once we receive a returned parcel, we reserve the right to refuse the return of items that show visible signs of having been worn, washed or soiled or are incomplete.
- The gift items received by you can not be exchanged.
Under what conditions can I return/ replace my Boldwink Botaniqa product?
- Wrong product delivered
- Expired product delivered
- Damaged product delivered – Physical damage/ tampered product or packaging
Under what conditions return/ replacement requests will not be accepted for Boldwink botaniqa products?
- Opened/ used/ altered products.
- Original packaging (mono cartons, labels, etc.) missing.
- The return/ replacement request is generated after 21 days from the date of delivery.